Ok, so maybe this title was a little bit dramatic, but the social impact between the two was just too significant to ignore. In both cases, it was first China and then Itlay. Coincident? I think not.
The hygiene of this world we live on has suffered a big deal a couple of years now, maybe it was time for payback where we had to be very hygienic otherwise we lose a lung, or we go to the underworld. Harsh? Maybe. Is it necessary? Yes!
I have no words for the South Africans, especially how they treat this virus as if it is one big joke. Yes, it classifies under the flu as a family member. But each family member has that one black sheep that turns out to be a psychopath, the Coronavirus is the Flue's family psychopath. And loves a friendly lung that has no immune bodyguards guarding it.
Therefore, to prevent any battlezones inside your body, remember to WASH THAT HANDS, wash your face, change clothes when coming in the house and in the hamper it goes. Vitamins and more vitamins are the new trends, bowing is back in the society people, and apparently, it is very cool these days. What is not cool is coughing or sneezing in public or on each other. That is called being stupid. Do you want to be called stupid? Of course not so don't be ridiculous. So don't hug, project when speaking to each other, it is a great way to exercise that diaphragm. Do you want to go to a social gathering? Sure, stay far away from EVERYONE for 2 weeks after the social meeting, and we are all good.
What is more shocking is the fact that we have to remind everyone to wash their hands. Like, uhm, excuse me, weren't you washing your hands before? Talk about being gross. And come on people, we are under quarantine, not the zombie apocalypse. Leave some food for the rest of us that also has to eat. However, South Africa, well done on the fact that we have your own toilet paper rolls. Australia, we wish you the best of luck. You don't even have forest leaves at the moment as back up. At least there is coal... Too soon?
Make good choices.
